ICLE | Family Law Institute, 21st Annual
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Family Law Institute, 21st Annual
11/17-18/22 Novi | CLE: 8.5
Cosponsored by the Family Law Section of the State Bar of Michigan and the Michigan Judicial Institute

Michigan’s Can’t-Miss Family Law Event

Join the entire Michigan family law community—judges, colleagues, and court staff—together again under one roof! Don’t miss Hon. Janice K. Cunningham’s perennially popular caselaw update.

Dive into the top family law issues that experienced and new lawyers face—everything from cyberstalking to spousal support. Recognize deceit in a divorce and understand how it impacts discovery and negotiations. Determine if your client has standing to seek relief under the Revocation of Paternity Act.

You will be able to:

  • Hear Justice Megan K. Cavanagh’s views on guardianships and conservatorships
  • Help clients protect themselves against eavesdropping and cyberstalking during divorce
  • Get your questions answered by judges during an interactive town hall
  • Draft effective motions and orders and avoid common drafting errors
  • Gain strategies regarding common children’s issues, from vaccinations to tutoring
  • Avoid judges’ pet peeves and understand court procedural differences by county
  • Prevent expensive mistakes by properly handling commonly litigated issues
Available Formats
Attend in person. Networking opportunities.

Individual access to online materials.
Special Thanks to Our Sponsors
Stout Risius Ross
Ayar Law Firm
The QDRO Company
Warner Norcross + Judd LLP
Doeren Mayhew
Adamy Valuation
Bodmer Price Light & Bershad, LLC
Jane Doe Investigations, Inc.
Our Family Wizard
Family Law Section of the State Bar of Michigan
Ross Mortgage Corporation
Shon Cook Law, PC

Shon Cook Law
Cross Examine Investigations, Inc.
Family Law Software

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