ICLE | Demonstration: Communicate with Limited Scope Representation Clients
Demonstration: Communicate with Limited Scope Representation Clients
On-Demand Seminar (Posted 04/24/19) | Level: Basic

If you want to start offering limited scope representation (LSR) as part of your practice, communication skills are critical. The Michigan Court Rules and Rules of Professional Conduct require lawyers to obtain informed consent from LSR clients. Lawyers must clearly explain the scope of the representation, what the lawyer and client are each agreeing to accomplish, and any associated fees. An expert explains key concepts to a limited scope client in this series of demonstrations.

Watch so you can:

  • Clearly describe each party's responsibilities in LSR
  • Direct your LSR client to helpful resources
  • Explain your LSR engagement letter and fees
  • Discuss expanding representation when appropriate
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Attend online at your convenience. Includes individual access to electronic materials for three years. These may include written materials, a PDF of the presentation, and any video or audio recordings.
Lawyer Kimberly Jones discusses her limited scope representation engagement letter and fees with her client....
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