ICLE | Masters in Litigation: Persuasive Strategies and Visuals for Every Litigator
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Masters in Litigation: Persuasive Strategies and Visuals for Every Litigator
03/22/18 Plymouth | CLE: 6 | MCJE: 6
Sponsored by the Litigation Section of the State Bar of Michigan
Available in the Premium Partnership    

Become a Master of Persuasion

Persuading your audience is the ultimate goal for every litigator. In this compelling program, veteran trial attorney Larry Kaye, President of the Winning Litigator LLC, a full-service national trial consulting firm, will reveal the most effective persuasion strategies and visual elements to capture and win over judges, juries, and mediators. From theme-building and repetition to use of timelines and iconic images, gain techniques to immediately apply to your practice.

Attend and Learn to:

  • Package and present evidence for maximum impact
  • Choose case vocabulary and rhetoric carefully
  • Pinpoint strategies to get juries to take the right notes
  • Identify tools and applications for creating litigation graphics
  • Carefully choose color palettes and stock images
  • Create effective graphics, even if you’re not an artist
  • Produce a variety of dynamic graphics on a tight budget
Available Formats
Attend in person. Networking opportunities.
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