ICLE | Michigan Family Law, Eighth Edition
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Michigan Family Law, Eighth Edition
Available in the Premium Partnership

Your Comprehensive Guide to Family Law

Now more than ever, you need the right resources to be effective and efficient. Michigan Family Law is the must-have book to successfully practice family law. This book walks you through every major issue, while also providing guidance for issues on the rise: interstate and international custody issues, change of domicile, parental alienation claims, and joint legal custody disputes involving vaccinations, schools, and religious disputes.

Navigate the 2020 discovery rules with expert insight and 35 sample interrogatories. Easily find fast solutions with 150+ checklists, forms, motions, and practice tips. Take away more county-specific information. Plus, get the critical analysis of both Michigan and federal law you've come to expect. With this book, you will be able to:

  • Draft pleadings that will best demonstrate your client's desired outcomes
  • Recommend strategies for enforcing and modifying out-of-state orders
  • Develop creative strategies to child custody and parenting time problems
  • Successfully prepare and handle a motion in front of a Friend of the Court referee or judge
  • Advise clients on the process to establish and revoke paternity
  • Navigate cases involving Indian children and military families
  • Set up your practice and choose an appropriate billing structure for your clients

Highlights of the latest update include:

  • Court of appeals cases on custody, parenting time, the UCCJEA, termination of parental rights, and more
  • Updated sections on newly passed legislation on surrogacy, related changes to paternity statutes, and the extreme risk protection order
  • Recent amendments to guardianship statutes to allow for standby guardians and amendments on personal pronouns to MCR 1.109
  • Terminology information regarding the ICWA and the MIFPA

2034 pages, 2-volume, 7x10 paperback. Includes a download of forms. Current to 05/01/24. Next update June 2025. Subscription service available.

Fully searchable and continually updated. Citations link to Michigan caselaw, statutes, and court rules. Includes online index, downloadable forms, and summary of changes. Price is for a one-year subscription.

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