ICLE | Seller Disclosure Statement Disputes and Resolutions
Seller Disclosure Statement Disputes and Resolutions
On-Demand Seminar (Posted 04/05/21) | Level: Intermediate

Seller disclosure statements are a relatively routine part of most residential transactions but can also be the lynchpin of litigation when a buyer feels they were misled about a purchase. In this virtual seminar, our experts explain how to evaluate the merits of a new case and pursue litigation, mediation, or other remedies.

Watch so you can:

  • Evaluate the merits of a fraud claim stemming from a seller disclosure statement representation
  • Promptly initiate claims within the limitation period
  • Assess the liability of inspectors, real estate agents, and lenders
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Attend online at your convenience. Includes individual access to electronic materials for three years. These may include written materials, a PDF of the presentation, and any video or audio recordings.
Deb Lapin and Matt Turchyn discuss common disputes in residential transactions arising from seller disclosure statements....
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