ICLE | Microsoft Word Academy for Lawyers and Legal Staff
Microsoft Word Academy for Lawyers and Legal Staff
| CLE: 6.5 | Level: Basic/Intermediate

Create Better Documents with Comprehensive Training

You requested a full day of Microsoft training—and now it’s here. Tackle Word with this interactive workshop designed for both new and experienced users. This training is different than past ICLE Word seminars: We want you to bring your laptop* and follow along as leading expert Barron K. Henley shows you how to draft even the most complex documents.

Benefits of Attending:

  • Fix default settings, customize the interface, and edit with ease
  • Avoid mistakes by proofing quickly and accurately
  • Harness the power of formatting tools
  • Understand complex paragraph and page numbering
  • Identify how styles can save your documents
  • Create tables that automatically update
  • Ensure security by adding passwords and protecting your files
Available Formats
*The sample files used in the workshop will be available in advance as a download. The workshop will be taught using the latest version of Word for Windows, but the course materials will also cover previous versions of Word and Word for Mac.
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