ICLE | Handle Business Court Litigation
Handle Business Court Litigation
On-Demand Seminar (Posted 12/06/21) | Level: Intermediate
Cosponsored by the Business Law Section of the State Bar of Michigan

Successfully represent clients in business court and navigate the streamlined and efficient procedures. Work with judges experienced in your matters, and often resolve your case using alternative dispute resolution. Research and prepare your case using the business court docket search.

Watch so you can:

  • Determine if the business court has jurisdiction over your case
  • Use discovery masters to resolve discovery disputes
  • Be prepared to discuss electronically stored information and identify custodians
  • Find a neutral that can push the parties to a fair settlement
Available Formats
Attend online at your convenience. Includes individual access to electronic materials for three years. These may include written materials, a PDF of the presentation, and any video or audio recordings.
Aaron Burrell and Amanda Narvaes give some advice on discovery involving electronically stored information....
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