ICLE | Basic Trademark and Patent Practice for Lawyers and Paralegals
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Basic Trademark and Patent Practice for Lawyers and Paralegals
On-Demand Seminar (Posted 11/02/23) | CLE: 5 | MCJE: 5
Presented by the Intellectual Property Law Section of the State Bar of Michigan in Cooperation with the Institute of Continuing Legal Education

Get the Nuts and Bolts to Succeed in IP Law

In just one day get the fundamentals of IP law practice with practical advice from Michigan’s top patent and trademark lawyers. Take away winning strategies from experienced practitioners for patent prosecution, patent litigation, trademark prosecution, and trademark litigation. It’s the most cost-effective seminar for intellectual property lawyers and paralegals.

You will be able to:

  • Improve your application and prosecution before U.S. and foreign patent offices
  • Avoid nonsubstantive office actions when you register a trademark
  • Identify key issues at the beginning of trademark litigation
  • Understand how the America Invents Act impacts your patent practice
  • Set realistic expectations about costs and results during litigation
  • Think "big picture" to advise clients on patent and trademark prosecution
Available Formats
Attend online at your convenience. Includes individual access to electronic materials for three years. These may include written materials, a PDF of the presentation, and any video or audio recordings.

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