ICLE | Enforcing Child Support
Enforcing Child Support
On-Demand Seminar (Posted 07/19/16) | Level: Basic/Intermediate
Cosponsored by the Family Law Section of the State Bar of Michigan

A common issue for family law lawyers is enforcement of current and past-due child support obligations. Advise your client on the spectrum of enforcement methods and develop a strategy to get your client paid using:

  • Income withholding and asset seizure
  • Civil contempt or criminal liability
  • Court receiver
  • Mediation or facilitation
Available Formats
Attend online at your convenience. Includes individual access to electronic materials for three years. These may include written materials, a PDF of the presentation, and any video or audio recordings.
Ruth Goldner, Lori Smith, and referee Amanda Kole discuss using civil contempt as a tool...
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