ICLE | Handle Complex Limited Scope Representation Issues
Handle Complex Limited Scope Representation Issues
On-Demand Seminar (Posted 04/17/19) | Level: Intermediate

The basic framework for limited scope representation (LSR) is straightforward, but complications are sure to arise when you start providing these services in practice. Changes in your client's circumstances, challenges from opposing counsel, and unexpected rulings from the bench can all cause roadblocks. Prepare for potential problems early and manage issues as they come up so you can continue to provide affordable, discrete legal services to clients.

Watch so you can:

  • Spot red flags at the outset and plan ahead
  • Set and collect fees to maximize profitability
  • Respond to unforeseen logistical complications
  • Manage client expectations early and often
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Bert Whitehead talks to ICLE's Rebekah Page-Gourley about several strategies for making limited scope practice profitable....
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