
How to Use the Clausebank

What's Included

The Clausebank includes a comprehensive collection of clauses for contracts and for divorce judgments and settlement agreements contributed by Michigan practitioners as well as links to additional drafting aids.

Search and Browse

To search, enter your search terms in the search box. To search for a phrase, put the words in quotation marks. Results will appear in order of relevance.

If you don't find the clause you are looking for using particular search terms, first check to make sure you typed the terms correctly and then try using a synonym. For more advice on searching, see Search Tips.

You can also browse (see a list of) clauses by topic:

  1. Under RESOURCE TYPE, click Clausebank.
  2. Click on a specific collection under CLAUSEBANK or on a topic under BROWSE BY PRACTICE AREAS.
  3. This will take you to a list of clauses arranged by subtopic. You can navigate to different subtopics by clicking on a subtopic. To view a particular clause, click on the title.
  4. You can return to the main list of topics by clicking on CLAUSEBANK.