ICLE Homepage | Other New and Amended MCRs

   June 2, 1998


Amendments of Michigan

Court Rules 7.204, 7.205, 7.206,

7.211, 7.212, and 7.215.

     On order of the Court, notice of the proposed changes and an
opportunity for comment at a public hearing having been provided,
and consideration having been given to the comments received, the
following amendments of Michigan Court Rules 7.204, 7.205, 7.206, 
7.211, 7.212, and 7.215 are adopted, to be effective September 1, 

     The rules are amended as follows:

ICLE Editor's Note:
[Italicized, bracketed text] indicates text that has been deleted.
Bold text indicates new text.
Rule 7.204  Filing Appeal of Right; Appearance

(A) – (B) [Unchanged.]

(C)  Other Documents.  With the claim of appeal, the appellant
     shall file the following documents with the clerk:

     (1) – (3) [Unchanged.]   

     (4)  if the appellant has filed a bond, a true copy of the
          bond; [and]

     (5)  a copy of the docket or calendar entries[.];

     (6)  a jurisdictional checklist on a form provided by the
          clerk's office.

(D) – (H) [Unchanged.] 

Rule 7.205  Application for Leave to Appeal

(A)  [Unchanged.]

(B)  Manner of Filing.  To apply for leave to appeal, the
     appellant shall file with the clerk:

     (1) – (5) [Unchanged.]
     [(6)   a notice of hearing for the first Tuesday at least
               21 days after a copy of the filed documents is
               served on all other parties;]

     (6) – (7) [Formerly (7) – (8), redesignated, but
                    otherwise unchanged.]

(C)  Answer.  Any other party in the case may file with the
     clerk, [before the date of hearing] within 21 days
     of service of the application,

     (1) – (2) [Unchanged.]

(D) – (G) [Unchanged.] 

Rule 7.206  Extraordinary Writs, Original Actions, and            
            Enforcement Actions

(A) – (C) [Unchanged.]

(D)  Actions for Extraordinary Writs and Original Actions.

     (1)  Filing of Complaint.  To commence an original action,
          the plaintiff shall file with the clerk:

          (a) – (b) [Unchanged.]

          [(c)   a notice of preliminary hearing on the
                    complaint on the first Tuesday at least 21
                    days after the complaint and supporting
                    documents are served on the defendant and any
                    other interested person;]

          (c) – (d)  [Formerly (d) – (e), redesignated,
                         but otherwise unchanged.]

     (2)  Answer.  The defendant or any other interested party
          must file with the clerk [before the date of the
          preliminary hearing] within 21 days of service
          of the complaint and any supporting documents or

          (a) – (c) [Unchanged.]

     (3) [Unchanged.]

(E) [Unchanged.]

Rule 7.211  Motions in Court of Appeals

(A)  Manner of Making Motion.  A motion is made in the Court of
     Appeals by filing:

     (1)  [Unchanged.]

     [(2)   5 copies of an affidavit supporting any allegation
               of fact in the motion;]

     (2) – (3) [Formerly (3) – (4), redesignated, but
                    otherwise unchanged.]

     (4[5])     [notice that the motion will be
                              heard on the first Tuesday]

          [(a)   21 days after the motion is served on the
                    other parties, for a motion to dismiss, or to

          [(b)   35 days after the motion is served on the
                    appellee if the motion is for peremptory

          [(c)   56 days after the motion is served on the
                    defendant, for a motion to withdraw as the
                    appointed appellate attorney;]

          [(d)   14 days after the motion is served on the
                    other parties, for a motion for rehearing of
                    an opinion or an order;]

          [(e)   7 days after the motion is served on the
                    other parties, for all other motions.]

          [A party may obtain an earlier hearing on a motion
          by filing] a motion for immediate consideration
          if the party desires a hearing on a date earlier
          than the applicable date set forth in subrules

[]    (5[6])     proof that a copy of
                                             the motion, [the
                                             notice of
                                             hearing] the
                                             motion for immediate
                                             consideration if one
                                             has been filed,
                                             and any other
                                             supporting papers
                                             were served on all
                                             other parties to the

(B)  Answer.  

     (1)     A party to an appeal may answer a motion by
                    filing: [before the date the motion
                    is noticed for hearing]

     [(1)]   (a)    5 copies of an answer (one
                              signed); and

     [(2)]   (b)     proof that a copy of the
                                   answer and any other opposing
                                   papers were served on all
                                   other parties to the appeal.

     (2)    Unless a motion for immediate consideration has
               been filed, the answer must be filed within

          (a)  21 days after the motion is served on the other
               parties, for a motion to dismiss, to remand, or to

          (b)  35 days after the motion is served on the
               appellee, if the motion is for peremptory

          (c)  56 days after the motion is served on the
               defendant, for a motion to withdraw as the
               appointed appellate attorney;

          (d)  14 days after the motion is served on the other
               parties, for a motion for rehearing of an opinion
               or an order;

          (e)  7 days after the motion is served on the other
               parties, for all other motions.

          If a motion for immediate consideration has been
          filed, the answer must be filed before the notice date,
          if any, or as directed by the Court of Appeals.  See
          subrule (C)(6). 

  (3)   Five copies of an opposing brief may be filed.  A
               brief must conform to MCR 7.212(D) as nearly as
               possible, except that page references to a
               transcript are not required unless the transcript
               is relevant to the issue raised in the motion.

(C) – (E) [Unchanged.] 

Rule 7.212  Briefs

(A)  [Unchanged.]

(B)  Length and Form of Briefs.  Except as permitted by order of
     the Court of Appeals, and except as provided in subrule (G),
     briefs are limited to 50 pages double-spaced, exclusive of
     tables, indexes, and appendixes.  Quotations and footnotes
     may be single-spaced.  At least one-inch margins must be
     used, and printing shall not be smaller than 12-point type. 
     A motion for leave to file a brief in excess of the page
     limitations of this subrule must be filed at least 21 days
     before the due date of the brief.  Such motions are
     disfavored and will be granted only for extraordinary and
     compelling reasons.

(C) – (I) [Unchanged.]

Rule 7.215  Opinions, Orders, Judgments, and Final Process from 
            Court of Appeals

(A) – (F) [Unchanged.] 

(G)  Rehearings.

     (1)  A motion for rehearing may be filed within 21 days
          after the date of the order or the date stamped on an
          opinion.  The motion shall include all facts,
          arguments, and citations to authorities in a single
          document and shall not exceed 10 double-spaced pages. 
          [If rehearing of an opinion is sought, a]
          A copy of the order or opinion of
          which rehearing is sought must be included with the
          motion.  Motions for rehearing are subject to the
          restrictions contained in MCR 2.119(F)(3).

     (2) – (3) [Unchanged.] 

(H) [Unchanged.]

     Kelly, J., dissents from the amendments of MCR
7.211(B)(2)(a) [former MCR 7.211(A)(5)(a)] and 7.215(G)(1).

     Cavanagh, Boyle, and Kelly JJ., dissent from the amendment
of MCR 7.212(B).

STAFF COMMENT:  The June 2, 1998, amendments of subchapter
7.200 deal with procedure in the Court of Appeals.  The following
rules are amended:

MCR 7.204(C).  Require a jurisdictional checklist to be filed
with the claim of appeal.

MCR 7.205(B) and (C), 7.206(D), 7.211(A) and (B).  Eliminate the
filing of a notice of hearing, instead specifying the time for

MCR 7.211(A)(2).  Eliminate the requirement of filing affidavits
with motions.

MCR 7.211(B)(2)(a) [former (A)(5)(a)].  Add motions to remand to
the list of motions for which the notice period for submission is
21 days.

MCR 7.212(B).  Require a party to obtain advance permission to
file a brief in excess of the page limit set by the rule.

MCR 7.215(G)(1).  Require a copy of the order with a motion for
rehearing of the order.

Proposed amendments of MCR 7.212(A)(6) and (F), published for
comment at 77 Mich B J 117 (January 1998), which would have
prohibited parties represented by counsel from filing briefs or
supplemental authority communications in propria persona, were
not adopted.

The staff comment is published only for the benefit of the bench
and bar and is not an authoritative construction by the Court.