ICLE Homepage | Other Administrative Orders
       September 14, 2004
  ADM File No. 2004-12
  Reinstatement of 
  Administrative Order No.1969-4
       On order of the Court, Administrative Order No. 1969-4 is reinstated and
  the Court's order of June 4, 2004, rescinding Administrative Order 1969-4 is
  vacated, effective immediately.
       Staff Comment:  The Court was informed erroneously that there are no longer
  individuals confined in state institutions because of their status as criminal sexual
  psychopaths and, therefore, Administrative Order No. 1969-4 was obsolete and
  should be rescinded.  The Court has since learned that, in fact, there are two
  individuals still confined by the Michigan Department of Community Health as
  criminal sexual psychopaths.  Administrative Order No. 1969-4 is not obsolete and
  the rescission order that was entered on June 4, 2004, is vacated and Administrative
  Order No. 1969-4 is reinstated.