ICLE Homepage | Other Administrative Orders
   December 23, 2003
  Michigan Child Support Formula Manual
       Federal law requires that, at least once every four years, a state must review
  its child support guidelines and make any necessary revisions.  42 USC 667 and
  45 CFR 302.56.  The Michigan Friend of the Court Act, MCL 552.501
  [et] [seq]., refers to the Michigan guidelines as the "formula." 
  The Act assigns the formula-review task to the Friend of the Court Bureau within
  the State Court Administrative Office.  The Bureau is to act "under the
  supervision and direction of the supreme court."  MCL 552.519(1) and (3)(a)(vi).  
       As part of the current federally mandated review, the Friend of the Court
  Bureau recommended several substantive changes to the Michigan Child Support
  Formula Manual.  This Court instructed the Bureau to publish those
  recommendations and invite written comments.  That was done.  This Court also
  heard from several speakers at a public hearing held on June 19, 2003.
       Notice of the proposed formula changes and an opportunity for comment in
  writing and at a public hearing having been provided, and consideration having
  been given to the comments received, we are persuaded that, pursuant to 
  MCL 552.519(3)(a)(vi), the Friend of the Court Bureau should adopt those
  proposed substantive revisions that are related to (1) determining medical support
  and health care coverage obligations, (2) setting child support before determining
  spousal support, and (3) deviating from the formula.
       We are not persuaded that any other substantive revisions of the formula
  should be made at this time.
       On order of the Court, the State Court Administrative Office shall publish
  the revised Michigan Child Support Formula Manual as soon as is practicable, to
  take effect October 1, 2004.