ICLE Homepage | Other Administrative Orders
June 22, 2004

ADM File No. 2002-09

Administrative Order No. 2004-3

Video Proceedings 
(Family Division of Circuit
Court and Probate Court)

          On order of the Court, the experimental use of two-way interactive video
technology authorized by Administrative Order No. 2001-4 is hereby extended until
July 1, 2005, or until further order of this Court.  

          Also, the State Court Administrator is authorized to approve, upon request
and submission of a local administrative order by a court approved under AO 2001-4 to
conduct two-way interactive video hearings in the probate court, two-way interactive
hearings concerning petitions for guardianship involving persons receiving treatment in
mental health cases.

          Finally, the State Court Administrator may authorize additional courts to
participate as pilot courts in this interactive video project, in the following circumstances:
               1)   the court has purchased and installed two-way interactive
     video technology that meets the equipment standards established by the
     State Court Administrative Office, and;
               2)   the court agrees to participate in future evaluations conducted
     by the State Court Administrative Office.
          Staff Comment:  Administrative Order No. 2000-4 authorized the
experimental use of two-way interactive video technology for specified involuntary
commitment and child protective proceedings in the probate court and the family division
of the circuit court in certain counties.  Administrative Order No. 2001-4 reauthorized
this use, but expanded the number of counties in the pilot project and included
authorization to use interactive video technology in select juvenile delinquency
proceedings. Administrative Order No. 2003-4 authorized the use of interactive video
technology, but expanded the types of venues at which IVT can be used and the number
of counties in the pilot project.  Administrative Order No. 2004-3 reauthorizes the use of
interactive video technology, but expands the types of proceedings for which IVT can be
used by allowing its use in hearings on petitions for guardianship involving persons
receiving treatment in mental health cases.  It also authorizes the State Court
Administrative Office to approve additional counties in the pilot project.

The staff comment is not an authoritative construction by the Court.